trackmania-speed-clan - Start Page
this is the Website of the Trackmania-Clan "Speed".
If you want to join contact us with the contact page!
Our TM² Tag is: $000¬$999ѕקεεの$000| $fffyour name$f00!
Our TMUF/TMNF Tag is: $s$i$999ѕקεεの$30f»$fffyour name
Alternative Tag: $i$999ѕקεεの$f00»$fffyour name$f00!
- And a clanserver on Tmnf is back too, thank to our great sponsor slikz.de
- The Clanvideo is out!!! Check it out, its great
- We have a clanserver again!! This time on TM²Stadium (for more information check the server page)
- we are building up a tech squad for the upcoming esl cps 16 and other tech competitions (Check the members page
- we are hosting the shorties cup - all information click
In whole time 9912 visitors (20087 hits) logged in!